Heat Exchangers

Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are used on ENCON MVC Evaporators to recycle the energy from the vapor generated from the circulating waste stream. This vapor contains a large amount of energy in the form of latent heat. There are two types of heat exchangers that may be used on an ENCON MVC Evaporator, depending on the application.

Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger:

This type of heat exchanger uses metal plates to transfer heat between two liquids. The major advantages of 

ShellandTubethis type of heat exchanger are a compact footprint and that the fluids are exposed to a much larger surface area because the fluid spread out over the plates, which facilitates the quick transfer of heat.

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger:

As the name implies, this type of heat exchanger consists of a shell with a bundle of tubes inside. One fluid runs through the tubes and other fluid flows over the tubes to transfer heat between the fluids. This type of heat exchanger has a larger footprint than a plate & frame heat exchanger, but has the advantage of being much more resistant to scaling and fouling.