Tank Wash Water Evaporator Installed at Greenfield Seed Production Facility

Tank Wash Water Evaporator Installed at Greenfield Seed Production Facility

ENCON Service engineers recently commissioned an 18 gallon per hour ENCON N33V4-18 thermal evaporator at a greenfield manufacturing facility that produces seeds for agricultural use. The evaporator system will concentrate the wastewater generated from washing and rinsing process tanks. The wastewater evaporation process will reduce the wastewater volume by 98% resulting in a concentrate for final disposal.

Let us know if we can help your organization reduce the wastewater disposal costs at your facility.

#Rinsewaterreduction #tankcleaning  #wastewater #evaporation #wastewaterreduction

ENCON Thermal Evaporator 18 gallon per hour evaporation capacity, natural gas fired, used for volume reduction of industrial tank cleaning wash and rinse water